Rhyfeddu'r wyf a mawr ryfeddod yw

1,2,3,(4,5,6);  1,(3);  1,4,5.
(Hyder am ymwared er gwaethaf pla calon)
Rhyfeddu'r wyf, a mawr ryfeddod yw,
Fy ngharu erioed, y gwaela' o ddynolryw,
  Cael yn ei dŷ,
      o fewn ei furiau le,
  Ac enw gwell nag welir
      īs y ne'.

Paham yr wyf mor bell oddiwrth fy Nuw?
Fy nghalon wag,
    mor ffol a gwammal yw!
  Pa fodd na bai fy meddwl,
      ddydd a nos,
  A'm henaid fry wrth Dduw yn glynu'n glos.

Duw, attal di rwysg
    fy meddyliau ffol,
A dena'm serch
    a'm calon ar dy ol,
  Yn holltau'r Graig
      dod im' ymgeleddfa glyd,
  Mewn tawel hedd,
      nes myn'd trwy'r anial fyd.

Fy enaid, cod, a dos
    ym mlaen yn hy',
Ymestyn mwy tua phorth
    y ddinas fry,
  Lle mae gwir hedd,
      gorfoledd yn parhau,
  A chael o hyd
      yn hyfryd eu mwynhau.

Fel haul yn llon,
    boed imi deithio o hyd,
Nes gorphen fy milwriaeth
    yn y byd,
  A meddwl pur,
      ac 'wyllys bywiol llon,
  Nes gado o'm hol
      yr hudol ddaear hon.

Brawd yw Efe
    i'r llwythog ar y llawr,
Dof ar ei bwys
    i fynu o'r cystudd mawr;
  Ni thrig yn ol un ewin,
      er mor wan,
  O'r anial dir
      fe'u mynir yn y man.
Fy ngharu erioed :: Os carodd Duw

1,2,4-6: Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1805
3: cyf. John Thomas 1730-1803

Tonau []:
Berlin (F Mendelssohn 1809-47)
Birmingham (Francis Cunningham)
Bont-Newydd (John Roberts 1822-77)
Clod (alaw Gymreig)
Ellers (E J Hopkins 1818-1901)
Emyn Hwyrol (W H Monk 1823-89)
Langley (F A Gore-Ouseley 1825-89)

  Brawd yw efe i'r llwythog ar y llawr
  Mae eglwys Dduw trwy'r ddae'r a'r nef yn un
  Paham yr wyf mor bell oddiwrth fy Nuw?

(Confidence in deliverance despite the heart's plague.)
I wonder, and a great wonder it is,
I am ever loved, the worst of humankind,
  To get in thy house,
      within its walls, a place,
  And a name better than is to be seen
      under heaven.

Why am I so far away from my God?
My empty heart,
    how foolish and fickle it is!
  O that somehow my thought would,
      day and night,
  And my soul up by God stick closely.

God, halt thou
    the ostentation of my foolish thoughts,
And attract my affection and my heart
    after thee,
  Cleaving the Rock
      which becomes a secure refuge,
  In quiet peace, until
      coming through the desert world.

My soul, arise, and go
    forwards in confidence,
Reach henceforth towards the portal
    of the city above,
  Where there is true peace,
      continuous rejoicing,
  And getting always
      delightfully to enjoy them.

Like the sun cheerfully,
    let me travel always,
Until finishing my military service
    in the world,
  With a pure thought,
      and a cheerful, lively will,
  Until leaving behind me
      this alluring world.

A Brother is He
    to the burdened on the earth,
I will come beside him
    up out of the great affliction;
  Not one toe-nail shall remain,
      although so weak,
  From the desert land
      they are to be brought soon.
I am ever loved :: If God loved

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

(Inconstancy lamented)

Why is my heart so far from thee,
  My God,
      my chief delight?
Why are my thoughts
    no more by day
  With thee, no more by night?

Why should my
    foolish passions rove?
  Where can such
      sweetness be,
As I have tasted
    in thy love,
  As I have found
      in thee?

Wretch that I am
    to wander thus,
  In chase of
      false delight!
Let me be fasten'd
    to thy cross
  Rather than
      lose thy sight.

Make haste, my days,
    to reach the goal;
  And bring my
      heart to rest
On the dear centre
    of my soul, -
  My God, my
      Saviour's breast.


Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [CM 8686]:
  Chester (The Christian Psalmist 1836)
Windsor (Christopher Tye c.1505-73)
York (Scottish Psalter 1615)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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